How to Determine Your Skin Tone?

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1.Start with your skin color. Skin tone and skin color are not the same thing, but they do overlap in some areas. Skin color can offer some general clues as to what your skin tone may be, and can help you determine the type of makeup to purchase. Skin color should not be your only method of determining tone. While there are some general rules, a variety of factors should be considered to assess your skin tone.

    If you have olive skin, you're highly likely to have a neutral skin tone leaning toward a warm skin tone.

   If you have darker skin, you are probably warm-toned. However, if your skin is a bluish ebony rather      than warm brown, you may have a cool skin tone.Ruddy, reddish skin is likely to have cooler undertones.

   If you skin has a lot of reddish patches or discolorations, and tends to flush easily, you likely have ruddy skin. This increases the chances your skin will have a cool undertone.

Neutral skin is skin with very little undertones of olive, sallow, or pink. If you have neutral skin, with very little color or variations in color, most makeups and foundations will be flattering on you.

2.Look at your wrist. What color are the veins you see there? This is a quick shortcut that can help you guess at your likely skin tone. However, you should keep in mind that no one indicator can help determine skin tone. You should consider a variety of factors to figure out your tone.

   If they look blue, then you may have a cool skin tone.

   If they look green, then you may have a warm skin tone.

  If some look blue and some look green, or it’s hard to tell, then you're likely to have a neutral skin tone.

3.Put a silver bracelet on one wrist and a gold bracelet on the other. Does one of them blend in better? Or does one clearly look better against your skin than the other one does? This can also indicate your probable skin tone.

   Silver bracelets usually look best on cool skin tones.

   Gold bracelets tend to stand out on warm skin tones.

   If there's no major difference, then you may have a neutral skin tone.

4.Think about how your skin responds to sunlight. Do you flush and even burn easily? Are you already brown by the time May rolls around? Your skin's reaction to sunlight can give you a hint as to your probable skin tone. However, sunlight should not be the deciding factor for determining your skin tone. People with darker skin often do not burn easily, but may still have a cool tone.

   If you tan easily, you may have a warm skin tone. If you flush and/or burn easily, you may have a cool skin tone.

   Make sure to take this in conjunction with other factors. People with dark skin often don't burn easily, but may actually have a cool skin tone. If you are dark-skinned, and you notice other signs of a cool skin tone, you're unlikely to have a warm tone regardless of how your skin responds to the sun. Makeups designed for a warm tone may look off on your skin.

5 .Use your skin tone to figure out what colors you should wear. Once you know your skin tone, you can use it to help you pick out foundations, blush, clothes, shades of lipstick, and many other things.

   When it comes to makeup, cool skin tones generally mix best with pink and berry shades. Dark skins with cooler tones may work well with espresso shades.

   Warm tones go well with bronzes, golds, and makeup with yellow undertones.

   Neutral skin tones can wear a wide range of colors and undertones, but they may lean more toward warmer or cooler tones, like a neutral skin tone that leans warm when combined with olive skin color. Experiment with pink and yellow undertones to see which ones work best.

2019年1月17日 15:37